Essential to every great influencer campaign is a great marketing brief. We asked Egyptian influencers what they love (and hate) to see in marketing briefs. Here’s what they told us!

Egyptian influencers don’t like to be treated like cardboard cutouts

Egyptian influencers are experts at standing out from the crowd. That’s why there’s little worse for an influencer than feeling like a cardboard cutout. Don’t force Egyptian influencers to create near identical content and definitely don’t dictate the exact words they’ll use. Creativity is an influencer’s bread and butter. Give them a challenge. A puzzle to solve. Whether you want to promote a sale or a new product launch, leave it to influencers to come up with the best way of communicating it with their audience.

Egyptian influencers love to benefit their audience 

What would an influencer be without people to influence? An Egyptian influencer is driven by a genuine ambition to help out their followers. That’s why they create content. To enrich their lives, whether it’s through education or entertainment. When a campaign gives a tangible benefit to an influencer’s followers, it sparks their enthusiasm. This can take the shape of a discount code such as in a performance based campaign or in the form of a giveaway.

Egyptian influencers love it when you’re organized

Influencing is a job like any other. It takes time, planning, and organization. But Egyptian influencers don’t have teams or assistants to help manage all of their work. What’s more is that many Egyptian influencers create content in addition to a full time job. That’s why a clear timeline is crucial for influencers to be able to effectively create high quality content. Having clear deliverables and requirements is also essential for avoiding long threads of communication and numerous revisions. 

Egyptian influencers care about fair compensation

Compensating an influencer can be quite tricky. Firstly, influencers come with influencers come with a whole array of performance metrics. Some have more followers, some have better engagement, and some produce higher quality content. Secondly, campaign deliverables can range from a simple set of stories to an elaborate video. So when does a giveaway suffice and when is monetary compensation the way to go? There’s no one size fits all answer. A giveaway can simply be a product or it can be a whole gift basket. Monetary compensation is a whole other spectrum in of itself. In this case, it’s best to try to estimate what is most fair and to also be open to getting feedback from influencers.

3 steps to create clear and effective marketing briefs for

You can create and manage effortless campaigns with Trendster. In three simple steps, you can outline campaign details, deliverables, content requirements, schedule, compensation, and more!

You’ll be able to communicate your marketing briefs clearly and effectively with influencers with minimal effort. What’s more is that you get a range of text editing tools to emphasize important features for improved readability.

Take Trendster’s state of the art campaign creator for a spin! Try it out today.